
The Kilvington Mentor Matching Program was born out of discussions between former students and the School about how Alumni could connect with and add value to our current students' education journey, particularly during the senior years. Feedback from students suggests there is a knowledge and experience gap between leaving school and embarking on tertiary studies or work.

Our Alumni offers an extraordinary depth of skills and experience which we can draw on to help bridge this gap, and to assist students to leave Kilvington with a greater understanding of what to prepare for, the opportunities available to them and a clearer understanding of career direction. Due to feedback, we are now expanding the program to also include Alumni to Alumni mentoring to aid in professional and personal development.

Alumni to student 

The Mentor Matching program matches Alumni and Year 10 students based on interest in industry specific knowledge and/or general career / life skills. This program includes up to three contact sessions either face-to-face onsite at Kilvington or online.

If you would like to participate in this program or find out more, please contact:

Alumni to alumni

If you are seeking mentoring opportunities within our alumni network or are looking for a mentor to help develop your professional and/or personal development, you can register as a mentor or search for a mentor based on your current sector or area of interest.